Research Article

Optimal Resource Allocation for Energy-Efficient OFDMA Networks

Algorithm 2

Optimal energy-efficient power allocation (OEPA) algorithm.
Input:   and
Output:   and
() Based on , calculate ;
() for  each user   do
()  sort user 's subcarriers in ascending order such that , where . Let ;
()  for   : 1  do
()   ;
()   if    then
()    break;
()   end if
()  end for
() end for
() if    then
() return   and ;
() end if
() sort and jointly in ascending order to divide the interval into water-level
      rise intervals , and each into continuous power intervals
      , where
() ;
() for  each water-level rise interval   do
() for  each continuous power interval   do
()  if  flag = 0  then
()   Calculate , where , , and
()   if    then
()    ;
()    if    then
()     return   and ;
()    end if
()   end if
()  else
()   calculate by (21);
()   if    then
()    return   and ;
()   end if
()  end if
() end for
() end for