Research Article

Artificial Bee Colony Algorithm Based on -Means Clustering for Multiobjective Optimal Power Flow Problem

Algorithm 1

Pseudocode of CMOABC.
//Step  1. Initialization
Generalize a population of NP individuals in the search region randomly;
Set the numbers of clusters G; Create the external archive EA; initial the current iteration iter = 1;
//Step  2. Loop
while stopping criteria are not satisfied do
 Calculate TI according to (26)
 Decide the number of clusters according to
 Partition the whole population based on -means clustering
For all cluster
  Compute according to (24)
  Decide whether some clusters need to be removed according to
  Select individuals based on non-domination.
End for
For iter = 1 : TI
  Update the individuals’ position in each cluster according to (17)
  Update the external archive and update Num_Update
  iter = iter + 1;
End for
 Calculate the number of individuals in each cluster needing to be regenerated, according to (27)
 Generate a certain number of the new individuals in every cluster;
End while