Research Article

A New Hybrid Model Based on Data Preprocessing and an Intelligent Optimization Algorithm for Electrical Power System Forecasting

Algorithm 2

Pseudocode of MFA.
The initial random value of weight and threshold of BP artificial neural network.
The global optimal extreme point and the best individual value
—the number of population of the particle swarm.
—the cognitive and social weight of PSO algorithm. In usual, .
—the maximum iteration.
(1) Initialize the population ;
(2) update the light intensity after evaluating new solution;
(3) ;
(4) While    do
(5)  for : all fireflies do
(6)   for : all fireflies do
(7)    if   then
(8)     Move firefly towards using uniform distribution;
(9)    end if
(10) end for
(11)  Evaluate new solutions and update light intensity;
(12) end for
(13) Rank fireflies and find the best individual;
(14) end while