Research Article

Detecting Communities in 2-Mode Networks via Fast Nonnegative Matrix Trifactorization

Algorithm 1

Community detection using F-NMTF.
Input: matrix , ;
Output: Community detection results;
(1) Initialize the factor matrices , ;
(2)Calculate , , and with Proposition 1;
(3)% Obtain Community indicator matrix , %
(5) Compute by (13);
(6) Compute ; // and are obtained with SVD on ;
(7) Compute ; // and are obtained with SVD on ;
(8) Update by (16);
(9) Update by (18);
(10)  until  Converges;
(11)   % Inferring community labels from , %
(12)   , ;
(13)  for    do
(14)   add subject node to when ;
(15)   add object node to when ;
(16)  end