Research Article

Maintaining Connectivity of MANETs through Multiple Unmanned Aerial Vehicles

Algorithm 1

Non-EUA algorithm.
// stands for a set of terminals, is the edge bound between terminals
and is the edge bound between terminals and the Steiner points.
Output: //the set of Steiner points
(1)Initially: ;
// The set of Steiner points is initially empty.
(2)generate a complete graph over ;
(3)compute a minimum spanning tree based on ;
(4)for each edge in   do
(5) if    then
(6)  if    then
(7)   put 1 Steiner points into ;
(8)  else
(9)   put Steiner points into ;
(10)    end if
(11)     ;
(12)   end if
(13) end for
(14) return ;