Research Article

Maintaining Connectivity of MANETs through Multiple Unmanned Aerial Vehicles

Algorithm 5

Existing-UAVs-Chain (EUC) method.
// are two ground nodes, is the position of existing UAVs, is the motion-range of existing UAVs, is the
communication-range between ground nodes and is the communication-range between ground nodes and UAVs.
Output: // is the new position of existing UAVs and is the position of new added UAVs
(1)Initially: ; ;
(2)generate a minimum spanning tree over ;
(3)get UAV chain from to
(4)for each UAV   do
(5)  get left node and right node ;
(6)  compute three candidate positions ;
(7)  choose one position with highest priority and satisfy , here ;
(8)  ;
(9)end for
(10) for each edge in chain   do
(11) test with and add new UAVs to ;
(12) ;
(13) end for
(14) return ;