Research Article

A Neighborhood-Impact Based Community Detection Algorithm via Discrete PSO

Algorithm 1

Framework of the proposed algorithm.
(1) Input:
  Adjacency matrix ;
  Population size: pop;
  Maximum generation: maxgen;
  Tuning parameter: ;
(2) Step : Initialization
  (1.1) Position initialization: ;
  (1.2) Velocity initialization: ;
  (1.3) Personal best position initialization: , ;
  (1.4) Global best position initialization: select the global best position in , .
(3) Step : Iteration
  (2.1) Calculate new velocity according to (11), ;
  (2.2) Calculate new position according to (14), (15), and (16)
    Proposed strategy is adopted
    Strategy in [25] is adopted
  (2.3) Function evaluation;
  (2.4) Update personal best position ;
  (2.5) Update global best position .
(4) Step : Termination Criteria
   if  maxgen is arrived
  Stop and output ;
  Go back to Step ;
   end if
(5) Output: gbest.