Research Article

Failure Propagation Modeling and Analysis via System Interfaces

Algorithm 1

Generation of minimal cut sets.
Input: , ,
Output: is a list of minimal cut sets.
() Push . in stack and set it visited;
() ;
() ;
() while    is not empty  do
()  ; // Get the top element of stack
()  if  There exist a vertex    satisfying (   is unvisited)  then
()   if    then
()      Add basic fault into the set ;
()   if    then
()     Push in stack ;
()    else
()     Remove from ;
()   Set   visited;
()   Pop from stack and set as well as its successors unvisited;
()    ;
()if  the current top element of the stack is  .  then
()   Add a copy of to the end of ;
()   Pop out . and set it unvisited;
()    ;
() Filter();
() Return();