Research Article

New Collaborative Filtering Algorithms Based on SVD++ and Differential Privacy

Algorithm 2

ALS with objective perturbation for SVD++ (DPSAObj++).
Input: – “user-item” rating matrix
    – number of factors
    – total number of ratings
    – regularization parameter of SVD++ objective function
    – regularization parameters for computing the item bias, user bias, and implicit feedback factor
    – number of gradient descent iterations
    – differential privacy parameter
    – the parameter for computing the slack term
Output: Latent factor matrices
(1) Initialize random latent factor matrices  :
(2) for   do
(3)   for    do
(6)     for  , do
(7)    let  
(8)    if   then
(9)    else  
(10)    Generate random noise vector    with pdf
(11)    Compute  
(12)   end for
(13)    for    do
(14)     Omit (the same as (7)~(10))
(15)  Compute  
(16)    end for
(17)   end for
(18) end for
(19)   return