Research Article

A Stable-Matching-Based User Linking Method with User Preference Order

Algorithm 2

EXtended Stable User Linking with Preference order, EXSULP.
(1) the same as SULP Algorithm 1 line 1–8
(2) if   is not linked is in the preference order of   then
(3) Set linked,
(4) else if   is linked  then
(5)   Get the linking object of
(6)  if   is a prior candidate account of   then
(7)   if   is not a prior candidate account of   then
(8)    Cancel the linking state of ,
(9)    Set linked,
(10)    Clear all the accounts behind ’s preference order list
(11)   end if
(12)  end if
(13) end if
(14) Remove all the accounts linked with  
(15) return