Research Article

An Evacuation Model for Passenger Ships That Includes the Influence of Obstacles in Cabins

Table 1

Default values used in crowd-movement model.

ParameterDefault valueUnitDescriptionSource

80kgPassenger massLiterature [14]
0.97–1.62m Maximum passenger walking speedLiterature [1]
0.25–0.29mPassenger radiusLiterature [3]
0.5sCharacteristic timeLiterature [14]
2000NStrength of repulsive interaction forceLiterature [14]
120,000kg Strength of body forceLiterature [14]
240,000Kg Strength of sliding friction forceLiterature [14]
1.0mNeighborhood radiusLiterature [31]
0.08DimensionlessGrowth factor of compression forceLiterature [31]
2000kg Strength of separation forceLiterature [14]
400kg Strength of cohesion forceLiterature [14, 31]
800kg Strength of alignment forceLiterature [14, 31]
1500kg Strength of friction force from stoolsSimulation