Research Article

Approximate Path Searching Method for Single-Satellite Observation and Transmission Task Planning Problem

Algorithm 2

Improved label-setting algorithm.
Input: graph .
Output: the optimal path
(1) for    do
(2)  for all    do  /   is set of subpaths in subgraph .
(3)   for all   do  /   is set of paths in subgraph .
(4)    if    then  /   must satisfy the constraint when adding it to .
(5)      ; /  add to .
(6)      ;
(7)    end if
(8)   end for
(9)   ; /   is the lower bound of subgraph .
(10)    for     do  /   is the number of paths in .
(11)     if     then  /  the total benefit must greater than the lower bound.
(12)      ;
(13)    end if
(14)   end for
(15)   for   do
(16)    for  do
(17)     if    then
(18)      ;
(19)      break;
(20)     else if    then
(21)       ;
(22)     end if
(23)    end for
(24)   end for
(25)  end for
(26) end for
(27) ; /   is the path with the maximum benefit in .