Research Article

Application of Heuristic and Metaheuristic Algorithms in Solving Constrained Weber Problem with Feasible Region Bounded by Arcs

Algorithm 2

Pseudocode of the ABC.
Initial parameters of the ABC including maximum cycle number (), ;
Generate initial population () randomly in the search space and evaluate each ;
while () do
for   to SN do
Generate a solution with by Eq. (5), evaluate it and apply selection process based on Deb's method between with ;
end for
for   to SN do
Select food source based on fitness proportionate selection;
Generate a solution with by Eq. (5), evaluate it and perform selection process based on Deb's method
between with ;
end for
if ( mod ) then
Every solution which did not enhance at least number of times is replaced, each with a randomly produced solution.
end if
Memorize the best solution reached so far.
end while