Research Article

Improved Unsupervised Color Segmentation Using a Modified Color Model and a Bagging Procedure in -Means++ Algorithm

Pseudocode 1

Modified color model pseudocode for -means++.
set threshold_, threshold_ //predefined thresholds
set _Entry, 120_Entry, 240_Entry
for each pixel in    do
set    with Eq. (1)
set    with Eq. (2)
if   > threshold_  and   > threshold_  then
set    with the first part of Eq. (5)
if   > = 120 then
set 120 equals
set 120 equals
if > = 60 then
set 240 equals
set 240 equals
set   with the second part of Eq. (5)
set 120 equals
set 240 equals
add , 120, 240 in _Entry, 120_Entry, 240_Entry
for each entry in [_Entry, 120_Entry, 240_Entry] do
execute  -Means with entry