Research Article

Rehabilitation Effect Evaluation of CFRP-Lined Prestressed Concrete Cylinder Pipe under Combined Loads Using Numerical Simulation

Table 1

Material properties of PCCP and soil.

MaterialDensity (kg/m3)Young’s modulus (MPa)Poisson’s RatioCohesion, c(kPa)Angle of internal friction, φ(°)Dilation, ψ(°)

Concrete core2500278620.2
Mortar coating2350252700.2
Prestressing wire78501930500.3
Steel cylinder78502068500.3
Undisturbed soil zone21002500.3265300.1
Bedding soil zone20001600.3430260.1
Backfilling soil zone A20001800.3335280.1
Foundation of pipe20001800.3335280.1
Buffering soil zone20001500.3420250.1
Backfilling soil zone B20002100.3350300.1