Research Article

Water Quality Monitoring Method Based on TLD 3D Fish Tracking and XGBoost

Algorithm 1

TLD + XGBoost for water quality.
 Image patches (positive and negative image patches), ;
 Target(), ;
 Tracking results (), at time ;
(2) if then
(3)  Marker the target
(4) else
(5)  Stage 1: using NCC and BF get the stable points.
(6)  Stage 2: through Variance filter, Fern filter, NN filter get the best patches and staable point.
(7)  Compare stage 1 with stage 2 get the best points.
(8)  Update the Random Fren and positive, negative sample set.
(9) end if
 Fish characteristic parameter: as data, ;
 Model parameter:
 include (base-score = 0.5, colsample-bylevel = 1, colsample-bytree = 1, gamma = 0, learning-rate = 0.1, max-delta-step = 0, max-
 depth = 3, min-child-weight = 1, missing = None, -estimators = 100, thread = −1, objective = binary: logistic, reg-alpha = 0,
 reg-lambda = 1, scale-pos-weight = 1, seed = 0, silent = True, subsample = 1)
  Water Quality degree: ; model; Classification Accuracy
(10) Load data
(11) Split data into train and test sets by train-test-split( ).
(12) Load XGBClassifier and model.predict.
(13) Calculating Classification Accuracy