Research Article

Multiobjective Order Acceptance and Scheduling on Unrelated Parallel Machines with Machine Eligibility Constraints

Procedure 1

Randomly generate chromosomes to form an initial population ;
For each chromosome in Do
Call a LS rule to produce a solution with a rejection set and a schedule;
 Calculate its total net profit and the makespan;
End For
For   to Do
For   to Do
  Call Rules 68 to evolve a new chromosome; add it to ;
  Call a LS rule to produce a solution with a rejection set and a schedule;
  Calculate its total net profit and the makespan;
End For
If () Then
  Call the ranking and selection approach of NSGA-II to select the best chromosomes in and then add them to ;
  Calculate ranks of all chromosomes in by NSGA-II, and output the non-dominated set ;
End If
End For