Research Article

Development and Application of Ancient Timber Buildings Structural Condition Assessment Model Based on a Fuzzy Matter-Element Model that Includes Asymmetric Proximity

Table 1

Corresponding relationships among health status, damage classifications, and maintenance measures.

GradesHealth statusDamage classificationsMaintenance measuresProcessing requirements

IFavorableBasically intactRoutine maintenanceMeasures should be taken to a few general members.
IIOrdinarySlight damageMinor maintenanceMeasures should be taken to a few members.
IIIPoorMedium damageMedium maintenanceMeasures should be taken to most of the members, and measures must be taken timely to the individual members.
IVInferiorHeavy damageMajor maintenanceMeasures must be taken timely to some members.
VDangerousClose to collapseRescue maintenanceMeasures must be taken immediately.