Research Article

Risk Propagation of Delayed Payment in Stakeholder Network of Large Hydropower Project Construction considering Risk Resistance and Mitigation

Table 1

Comparison between three epidemic models (SIR, SI, and SIS) from model description and propagation threshold.

Model nameModel descriptionPropagation threshold

SIR [38]The infected node is removed from the number of susceptible nodes, as recovery or failure completely.There exists a threshold density of nodes. If the actual density surpasses this threshold value, one (or more) infected node will give rise to a spread.

SI [39]The infected node will be in permanently infected state.If susceptible probability is above the threshold, the failure becomes persistent. Below it, the failure exponentially dies out.

SIS [39, 40]
The infected node has chance to vary from infected state to susceptible state.When susceptible rate exceeds the threshold, the node will be infected, while there also exists the threshold of returning to susceptible state.