Research Article

An Interactive Consensus Model for Group Decision-Making with Incomplete Multi-Granular 2-Tuple Fuzzy Linguistic Preference Relations

Algorithm 1

Input: Individual FLPRs , the experts’ weight vector , the
thresholds and the maximum iterations .
Output: Adjusted FLPRs , , and the
iterations .
Step 1: Set and .
Step 2: Obtain individual priority weight vector using the model (13) and
then get the experts’ weight vector according to Eq. (18).
Step 3: Compute the collective priority weight vector corresponding to
by means of IOWA operator.
Step 4: Count the according to Eq. (19). If
or , go to Step 6; Or else, find the FLPR that satisfies
and proceed to Step 5.
Step 5: Ascertain the position of the elements for expert satisfying
, where , and then adjust expert ’s FLPR
according to Eq. (20).
Set and go to Step 2.
Step 6: Let and . Output ,
, and the iterations .