Research Article

A Two-Stage Stochastic Model for Maintenance and Rehabilitation Planning of Pavements

Table 1

Comparison of applied methodologies in investigated studies.

StudyOptimization MethodLevel of StudyFormulationModel TypeCondition Indicator
MuObSiObOthers NetPro

Fwa et al. [15]GADetPSI

Fwa et al. [16]GARobustPCI

Fwa et al. [17]GARobustPCI

Chen and Flintsch. [14]LCCAFuzzyPSI, PCI

Wu et al. [5]GP & AHPDet Condition State

Wu and Flintsch. [22]MDPProb Condition State

Moazami et al. [13]AHPFuzzyPCI

Mathew and Isaac. [10]GADetPCI

Meneses and Ferreira. [9]GADetPSI

Saha, and Ksaibati. [11]LCCADetPSI

Yepes et al. [21]GRASPDetPCI

Swei et al. [23] MINLPDet & ProbPCR

Current studyMILPDet & Probq (qf, qt, qs, qr), qo

MuOb: multiobjective; SiOb: single objective; Net: network; Pro: project; Det: deterministic; Prob: probabilistic; PCI: Pavement Condition Index; PSI: present serviceability index; PCR: pavement condition rate; GA: Genetic Algorithm; LCCA: life cycle cost analysis; AHP: analytic hierarchy process; MDP: multidimensional problem; GRASP: greedy randomized adaptive search procedure; MINLP: Mix integer nonlinear programming; MILP: mix integer linear programming.