Research Article

An Outranking Multicriteria Method for Nominal Classification Problems with Minimum Performance Profiles

Table 3

Criteria for the evaluation of retailers [37].


Retailer size (average daily sales in 1000 Euros)1-100

Intensity of EFT/PoS (percentage of daily sales through EFT/PoS1-100

Average value per EFT/PoS transaction (in Euros)1-100

Average cost per EFT/PoS terminal (in Euros)1-100

EFT/PoS terminal profitability (average monthly revenue per terminal [in Euros]/average monthly cost per terminal [in Euros])1-100

Average growth rate (indicator showing monthly increase in transaction ratio)1-100

Merchant class (based on bank’s merchant type definition, according to merchant activity)1-100

Collaboration efficiency (index based on merchants calls to bank support center)1-100

Exclusivity (index based on retailer’s exclusive collaboration; normally a retailer has installed at the same place EFT/PoS terminals from several competing banks)1-100

Location (Index based on retailer’s distance factors from areas with high traffic)1-100

Opening hours (index based on retailer’s opening hours)1-100

Training of employees (index expressing employees’ expertise on EFT/PoS)1-100

Alternative channels (index expressing usage degree of bank’s alternative payment channels from retailer)1-100

EFT/PoS: Electronic Fund Transfer at Point Sale.
Source: [37].