Research Article

Air Target Threat Assessment Based on Improved Moth Flame Optimization-Gray Neural Network Model

Algorithm 1

Improvement moth flame optimization algorithm.
(1)Initialize solution population using tent chaos map
(2)iteration = 1
(3)while (iteration ≤ Max_iteration)
(4) OM = FitnessFunction(M)
(5) if iteration = = 1
(6)  F = sort(M)
(7)  OF = sort(OM)
(8) else
(9)  F = sort(Mt−1, Mt)
(10)  OF = sort(Mt-1, Mt)
(11) end if
(12) for i = 1 : n
(13)  for j = 1 : d
(14)   update t
(15)   calculate D with respect to the corresponding flame
(16)   update M(i, j) using equation (15) with respect to the corresponding flame
(17)  end for
(18) end for
(19) update the position of the current optimal agent using Lévy-flight
(20) F_lévy = Lévy(F)
(21) OF_lévy = FitnessFunction(F_lévy)
(22) using the Metropolis criterion for OF and OF_lévy
(23) update the position best flame obtained so far
(24) update flame number using equation (16)
(25) iteration = iteration + 1
(26)end while