Research Article

A Comprehensive Method of Apportioning Reliability Goals for New Product of Hydraulic Excavator

Table 2

Suggested ranking system for the severity of failure modes.

Rank ()Failure EffectFailure CriterionIllustration(e.g.)

10Inconsistent with the safety legislation or the regulationsHazardous without warning 
Potential safety, health, or environmental issue
failure of a braking system
9Failure will occur with warning 
Potential safety, health, or environmental issue
leakage of a braking system
8disruption or decline to facility functionThe machine run malfunctioninguncoordinated boom, arm and bucket movements
7 The machine running properly but Moderate disruption to facility functiontravel slower than the speed limit
6disruption or decline to secondary functionSome portion of secondary function is lostfailure of a position feedback of the GPS
5Moderate disruption to secondary function 
Some portion of process is delayed
shock absorber of the seat damaged
4Appearance or noise and other functions is poorMost users(>75%) likely to complainabnormal engine noises
3More than half (>50%)of the users likely to complaindistortion of the hood
2a few users(>25%) likely to complainexcessive clearances on the surfaces
1No discernible effect on safety, environment, or mission