Research Article

Urban Water Ecosystem Health Evaluation Based on the Improved Fuzzy Matter-Element Extension Assessment Model: Case Study from Zhengzhou City, China

Table 2

The grade standard of evaluation index system.

FactorIndicatorsUnitCharacter healthysub-healthyunhealthysickvery sick

Pressure (B1)GDP Growth Rate (P1)%-≤3(3, 5](5, 8](8, 10]>10
Urbanization Rate (P2)%-≤30(30, 40](40, 50](50, 60]>60
The Proportion of Tertiary Industry (P3)%-≤30(30, 40](40, 50](50, 60]>60
Water Consumption Per Unit of GDP (P4)m3 / 10− 4 Yuan-≤100(100, 200](200, 300(300, 400]>400
Water Consumption of Industrial Output (P5)m3 / 10− 4 Yuan-≤30(30, 60](60, 90](90, 120]>120
Water Consumption of Eco-environment (P6)109 m3-≤1(1, 2](2, 3](3, 4]>4
Household Water Consumption (P7)109 m3-≤4(4, 6](6, 8](8, 10]>10
Sewage Discharge (P8)109 m3-≤4(4, 6](6, 8](8, 10]>10

State (B2)Water Resources Amount Per Unit Area (S1)104 m3  ·  km−2+≥200[150, 200) [100, 150)[50, 100)<50
Per Capita Water Resources (S2)m3+≥1000[750, 1000)[500, 750)[250, 500)<250
Per Capita Green Area (S3)m2+≥12[10, 12)[8, 10)[5, 8)<5
Flood Control Rate (S4)%+≥95[95, 90)[85, 90)[80, 85)<80

Response (B3)Sewage Treatment Rate (R1)%+≥80[60, 80)[40, 60)[20, 40)<20
Green Coverage Rate (R2)%+≥40[30, 40)[20, 30)[10, 20)<10
River Water Quality Compliance Rate (R3)%+≥90[80, 90)[70, 80)[60, 70)<60
Source Water Quality Compliance Rate (R4)%+≥95[80, 95)[65, 80)[50, 65)<50
Rate of Wastewater up to Discharge Standard for Urban (R5)%+≥95[85, 95)[75, 85)[60, 75)<60
Water Functional Area Compliance Rate (R6)%+≥80[60, 80)[40, 60)[20, 40)<20
Rate of Water Ecosystem Project Investment to GDP (R7)%+≥1.5[1, 1.5)[0.6, 1)[0.3, 0.6)<0.3
Rate of Environmental Protection Investment to GDP (R8)%+≥1[0.8, 1) [0.5, 0.8)[0.3, 0.5)<0.3