Research Article

Task Offloading Strategy of 6G Heterogeneous Edge-Cloud Computing Model considering Mass Customization Mode Collaborative Manufacturing Environment

Table 1

TOMO algorithm.

Algorithm: TOMO

Input: maximum number of iterations , task number T, time constraint , cloud computing server CCs, edge servers ESs, edge devices EDs
Output: optimal offloading scheme
(1) for to do
(2) random initialization of device type parameters and particle speed ;
(3) setting initialization as optimal device type parameters;
(4) end for
(5) for to do
(6) for to do
(7) update data type parameters and particle speed ;
(8) in the process of execution, multiple tasks request the same resource at the same time, and the Multiple layer resources optimal algorithm is used to reduce the conflict;
(9) calculate total system latency considering device type parameter ;
(10) calculate total energy consumption considering device type parameter ;
(11) calculate total safety factor considering device type parameter ;
(12) calculate fitness value according equation (10);
(13) if then
(14) setting as the best offloading scheme ;
(15) end if
(16) end for
(17) The offloading scheme with the lowest fitness value is selected as the global optimal offloading scheme ;
(18) end for
(19) return value of