Research Article

A Novel Hybrid Optimization Algorithm for Scalable Video Coding in an SDN

Algorithm 1

The novel hybrid optimization algorithm for scalable video coding.
Input: Link_States, Pc, Pm, M, G
Output: Action
Initialize: Action = [0, 0]
//The first dimension represents the number of layers, and the second dimension represents the path.
Random generate Pop1 of M individual
do {
Calculate f (z) based on equation (5) for all in Pop1;
Generate Pop2 of zero population;
Add best two individuals into Pop2;
 do {
 if (random (0, 1) < Pc) Crossover;
 if (random (0, 1) < Pm) Mutation;
 Add new individuals into Pop2;
 } until (population of Pop2==M)
Pop1 = Pop2;
} until (best f (z) keep unchanged for 5 times or iteration num > G)
if (best individual != [0, 0])
 return Action = best individual;
 return Action = [z, 0];