Research Article

A Novel Collision-Free Navigation Approach for Multiple Nonholonomic Robots Based on ORCA and Linear MPC

Algorithm 1

Discrete-ORCA-MPC method for multi-nonholonomic robots collision avoidance.
Input:: list of robots; : list of obstacles; : time horizon of ORCA;
: predict horizon of MPC; : sampling period.
Output: optimal control
(1)repeat ORCA
(2)  for each do
(3)   compute for using ORCA (6)
(4)   compute reference trajectory using (22);
(5)   compute safe zone for robot at each way point using (14)
(6)  end for
(7)  fordo
(8)   for each do
(9)    compute for robot using MPC (27)
(10)    compute control input ;
(11)    compute the configuration of next step using (15)
(12)   end for
(13)  end for
(14)until (all robots reach their goal zone)