Research Article

Simulated Annealing Method-Based Flight Schedule Optimization in Multiairport Systems

Table 1



The set of waypoints, , and .
The set of flights in airport j. .
The set of flights which go through the waypoint u. .
The slot adjustment for flight i in airport j.
The delay of flight i in airport j.
The weight of airport j when computing the slot adjustment.
The total number of flights.
The minimum turn-around times for connecting flights in airport j.
The maximum turn-around times for connecting flights in airport j.
The immediate successor departure flight of arrival flight i.
cjvThe capacity of airport j in the time interval .
cuvThe capacity of waypoint u in the time interval .
The maximum flight adjustment in the MAS.
The total flight adjustments in the MAS.
The capacity of airport j.
The service rate of arrival and departure of airport j.