Research Article

Forest Farm Fire Drone Monitoring System Based on Deep Learning and Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Imagery

Algorithm 2

(1)Load Image Img with a variable size PxQxR
ai, aj, ak: Color Greatness Img = ∑a(i, j, k)
i: 1 to P
j: 1 to Q
k: 1 to R
(2)Convert Gray Color Code of an input image
Img: Igc
ai, j: gray code balance Igc = ∑a(i, j)
i: 1 to P
j: 1 to Q
(3)Image Augmentation
Image enlargement and renovation: Image size is 3 × 3
Regions obtained in Step 2
(4)Pixel Edge Finding
(5)Text Area Finding
Tr = Igc
S ⊂ Igc
(6)MSER Detection Detect Extremal Regions
S ⊂ Tr ⊂  for all x ∈ S, y ∈ ∂T
where ∂T is the external area edge.
(7)Image Edge Finding
Level the image using an image filter
Find strength pitch of the image
Remove low-strength pixels
Apply threshold to discover the limits
Eliminate feeble limits and focus on the substantial limits