Research Article

A Novel Optimized Graph-Based Transform Watermarking Technique to Address Security Issues in Real-Time Application

Algorithm 3

Watermark embedding algorithm.
Input: selected frames from Algorithm 1
Output: watermarked video
(1) for selected frames ←1 to k.
(2) {
(3) Take a binary image watermark W (i, j).
(4) Use layer separation on selected RGB frame K (i, j) and watermarked image W (i, j).
(5)Apply hyperchaotic encryption on the watermark.
(6)Apply GBT transform on each layer of K (i, j).
(7)Apply SVD and extract USV feature of each layer of K (i, j) and W (i, j).
(8)Take S value of the frame and watermarked image.
(9)Optimize the value of embedding factor α mentioned in equation (6) using hybrid GWO-GA.
(10) Embed watermark W (i, j) to K (i, j) using optimized value of α calculated in equation (6).
(11)Combine both S values of selected frame and watermarked image to get modified S from
(12)Target the best PSNR from alpha value calculated from equation
(13)Repeat steps from 2 to 12 till all the selected frames are processed.
(15)for frames 1 to m in directory of extracted frames.
(17)Combine watermarked frames and replace them with frames in extracted frame directory.
(18)Process all selected frames and frames in given directory to form watermarked video.