Research Article

Does the Capital Market Opening Improve the Price Discovery Efficiency of Stock Market? An Empirical Research Based on Shanghai-Hong Kong Stock Connect

Table 1

Variable definitions.

Variable nameDefinition

Explained variablesPrice_infoThe index of stock price information content, measured by model 1 and 2
DelayThe index of price delay measured by model 3 and 4
Explanatory variablesPostThe dummy variable of opening time of capital market. The value equals 1 if after opening, otherwise 0.
OpenThe dummy variable whether SHKSC sample. The value equals 1 if it is, otherwise 0.
SizeNatural logarithm of the market value of net asset at the end of the fiscal year
LeverageRatio of total debts to total assets
Control variablesPerformanceROAReturn of asset, equals the radio of net income to total assets
GrowthThe growth rate of firm’s operating income, measured by the difference between this year and last year’s operating income divided by last year’s operating income
Ownership structureFirstholderThe radio of number of shares held by the largest shareholder to total number of shares
ManagershareThe radio of number of shares held by management to total number of shares
Corporate governanceBoardsizeBoard of directors’ numbers
IndependThe value equals the number of independent directors divided by the number of board
SOEWhether state-owned or not, when the ultimate controller is the state, agency or institution, the value is 1, otherwise 0
DualWhether the chairman and manager are the same person, if so, the value is 1, otherwise 0
Big4Whether the auditor is from Big Four, if so, the value is 1, otherwise 0
Market-level variablesAnalystThe number of analysts following
LiquidityA-share market’s liquidity, equals the average of the ratio of the absolute value of the return to the transaction volume on the effective transaction date
MBEquals the value of market value divided by book value
TurnoverThe radio of trading volume to total number of shares issued in a certain period
AgeThe years of listing in the market