Research Article

The Staged Financing Selection Mechanism for Government to Maximize the Green Benefits of Start-Ups

Table 1

Summary of notations.

Receive government support
Venture capitalists who solely pursue monetary income
Venture capitalists who pursue strategic objectives and monetary income
Amount of capital
The probability of venture investments occurrence
The value of asset of the start-up in the case of success
The value of asset of the start-up in the case of failure
The net impact of enterprises on SIs’ own assets
Amount of homogeneous strategic investors with complementary function if
Amount of homogeneous strategic investors with substituted function if
Amount of homogeneous VIs
Amount of capital invested of each investor
Equity ratio
The elasticity coefficient of capital output
The factor of labor production
The monitoring intensity
The maximum influence of monitoring intensity on the output value of the green start-up
The cost of monitoring
The tax rate for green start-ups
The net profit
The green product sales growth subsides
The sale quantity
The fixed cost of the green product
The unit variable cost
The variable cost of the green product
The retail price of the green product
The tax refund rate of green product