Research Article

A Suite of Design Quality Metrics for Internet of Things by Modelling Its Ecosystem as a Schema Graph

Table 6

ICCD evaluation for doctor D2, who accesses the data of multiple patients admitted in hospital 1. The request format in this case is CoAP with 2 bytes.

Evaluation scenarioNodesEdge nameICCDICDD (B)

Hospital 1
Bed 1
Low-end devices-
gateway G1
AlphaMax 20
Controller C1
gateway G1-
BetaMax 56
Controller C1-
doctor D2
GammaMax 64

Hospital 1
Bed 2
Low-end devices-
gateway G2
AlphaMax 24
Controller C1
gateway G2-
BetaMax 78
Controller C1-
doctor D2
GammaMax 95

Hospital 1
Bed 3
Low-end devices-
gateway G3
AlphaMax 24
Controller C1
gateway G3-
BetaMax 95
Controller C1-
doctor D2