Research Article

Evaluating the Performance of Feature Selection Methods Using Huge Big Data: A Monte Carlo Simulation Approach

Table 4

Variables description.

Sr. no.VariablesSymbolDefinition/constructionSource of data

1Workers’ remittancesWRThe transfer of foreign money by migrated workers to Pakistan.SBP
2Interest rateINTCall money rateSBP
3Gold pricesGOLDGold prices is defining the price of gold in which the gold is traded on gold market.SBP
4Development expenditureDEXIt is the type of expenditure that helps the economic and social development of the country—for example, the expenditure on education, health, etc.SBP
5Major agriculture cropsAGCMajor agriculture crops are wheat, rice, cotton, sugarcane, maize etc.SBP
6InflationINFInflation is the increase in the price of goods and services over time at a general level. Inflation rate is measured by CPIt - CPIt-1/CPIt-1 100SBP
7Foreign direct investmentFDIFDI is the type of investment in which the people or organization of one country invested in company of property of other countries.SBP
8Trade opennessTOTrade openness is defined as the ratio of trade to GDPSBP
9Exchange rate/Nominal exchange rateEXRValue of the rupees per unit of US dollarIFS
10Stock market performanceSPShare pricesIFS
11Investment return of pakIRPak0.8INTPk + 0.2dLn (SPPk)
where INTPk is interest rate and SPPk is share prices of Pakistan.
12Investment return of USIRUS0.8INTUS + 0.2dLn (SPUS)
Where INTUS is interest rate and SPUS is share prices of US.
13Real domestic productGDPIt is defined as the total value of final goods and services which are produced inside the boundary of the country in a given period.WDI
14UnemploymentUEMPUnemployment is defined as the people who want to work but do not have a job.WDI
15Foreign debtsDEBTForeign debt is money that one country borrowed from an outside country or organization. It is also known as external debt.WDI
16Real effective exchange rateREERIt is defined as the nominal effective exchange rate which is divided by a price deflator.WDI
17Secondary school enrolmentSSENSecondary school enrolment is defined as the number of students who are enrolled in secondary school.WDI
18Financial liberalizationFINLThe data on financial liberalization is taken from Shabbir (2013). He used the following formula for the construction of financial liberalization.Shabbir (2013)
19Job skill indexThe job skill index is constructed with the help of weighted index of the different skill categories.Bureau of emigration and overseas employment
20Wage rateWAGEThe amount of wage that is paid to the worker per unit of time.Bhatti(2018)
21DemocracyDMOCDemocracy is the type of government in which people elect their representatives.ICRG
22Internal conflictICNFInternal conflict is defined as the political violence inside the country and its actual influence on the governance.ICRG
23External conflictXCNFExternal conflict is defined as the problem such as diplomatic pressures, trade restrictions, etc., to the mandatory government from the foreign action to violent external pressure.ICRG
24Law and order situationLAORLaw and order situation is defined as the condition when people follow the rule and regulations. There is no violence or threats, and the police control all the crimes, etc.ICRG
25CorruptionCRRPThe illegal actions by powerful people such as bureaucrats, government, police, etc.ICRG
26Terrorism index (no’ of attacks)TINDIt is the use of violence and threats for the purpose of achieving political and ideological objectives.ICRG
27Government stabilityGSWhenever the representative of the govt. change without any threats of violence, it is known as political stability.ICRG
28Black market premiumBMPBlack market premium is defined as the percentage difference between the black market exchange rate and official exchange rate.ICRG