Research Article

Emulsion Droplet Pair Coalescence under a Direct Current Electric Field

Figure 3

Nonuniform sized droplet pair interaction in a uniform DC electric field. (a) Effect of electric capillary number Cae at constant interfacial separation (S). Here, Cae is increased by increasing the electric field strength. (b) Effect of initial separation (S) on the droplet pair approach. (c) Effect of droplet pair radius ratio on the interfacial separation. In (a), (b), and (c), S is the interfacial separation normalized by the radius of the larger droplet, Ro = 1 mm, whereas R is the radius of the smaller droplet. R/Ro is the droplet pair radius ratio. The detailed simulation conditions are ℜ = 107, ℘ = 24.5, and λ = 10−3.