Research Article

Burden of Placental Malaria among Pregnant Women Who Use or Do Not Use Intermittent Preventive Treatment at Mulago Hospital, Kampala

Table 2

Histopathological profiles of placental malaria among SP users and nonusers delivering at Mulago Hospital, Kampala.

Histopathological classificationSP-IPTp users ()Proportion of positives ()SP-IPTp nonusers ()Proportion of positives ()

Category 0 (no infection)29 (87.9%)17 (51.5%)
Category 1 (active infection)2 (6.1%)50%8 (24.2%)50.0%
Category 2 (active-chronic)2 (6.1%)12.5%
Category 3 (past-chronic)2 (6.1%)50%6 (18.2%)37.5%
Total biopsies with malaria footprint4 (12.1%)100%16 (48.5%)100%