Research Article

Comparison of Antioxidant Status and Vitamin D Levels between Multiple Sclerosis Patients and Healthy Matched Subjects

Table 2

Comparison of serum vitamin D concentrations based on different sun exposure levels.

Sun exposure (minutes/day)MS patientsControls
25(OH) D serum concentrations (nmol/L)Number25(OH) D serum concentrations (nmol/L)Number

Less than 3018.4 ± 162012.6 ± 5.922
Between 30 and 60 24.2 ± 29.2521 ± 7.7 a10
Between 60 and 120 26.6 ± 13.21043.6 ± 14.1 a,b5
More than 120 23.1 ± 7.220

Significant differences between those of <30 minutes/day of sun exposure (ANOVA, ).
bSignificant differences between those between 30 and 60 minutes/day of sun exposure (ANOVA, ).