Research Article

Does Fatigue Complaint Reflect Memory Impairment in Multiple Sclerosis?

Table 3

Proportion of MS patients with impaired cognitive dysfunction, assessed using BCcogSEP.


Cognitive impairment (≥4/14 scores impaired)22 (44)
SRT16 (32)
 Number of words recalled11 (22)
 Learning index11 (22)
 Delayed recall11 (22)
10/36 9 (18)
 Total recall 3 (6)
 Delayed recall 8 (16)
Auditory verbal spans23 (46)
 Direct span17 (34)
 Indirect span17 (34)
SDMT20 (40)
PASAT23 (46)
3 sec20 (40)
2 sec16 (32)
Crossed tapping10 (20)
GOno/GO 6 (12)
Verbal fluency25 (50)
 Phonemic22 (44)
 Semantic 9 (18)

BCcogSEP: Batterie Courte d’Evaluation des fonctions Cognitives des patients ayant une Sclérose en Plaques; : number of patients; PASAT: paced auditory serial addition test; SDMT: symbol digit modality test; SRT: selective reminding test.