Research Article

Estimating Everyday Neuropsychological Functioning in Multiple Sclerosis: Reliability and Validity of the Greek Multiple Sclerosis Neuropsychological Questionnaire

Table 4

Rotated solution and factor loadings of MSNQ-P items.

Item no. and descriptionFactors

(9) Forgetting future errands.882
(8) Needing frequent reminders.808
(4) Forgetting appointments.771
(1) Distractibility.863
(5) Forgetting what is read.768
(14) Without cause laughing/crying.694
(2) Problems with listening to others.399.639
(12) Failing to follow conversations.331.448
(7) Forgetting instructions.362.432
(6) Forgetting shows/programs.414.375
(15) Excessive egocentric speech.728
(10) Coherent question answering.671
(11) Failing to track two tasks at once.650
(13) Impulse control.549
(3) Slowed problem processing.460

% of variance49.698.127.34
Cronbach’s .874.889.786