Research Article

Visual Deprivation Decreases Somatic GAD65 Puncta Number on Layer 2/3 Pyramidal Neurons in Mouse Visual Cortex

Figure 3

Two dimensional analysis of total GAD65 intensity and puncta density. (a) The total GAD65 staining intensity in a single focal plane was decreased in the DR group when compared to NR and LE (normalized total GAD65 intensity: NR = 100 ± 9.3%, sections from 4 mice; DR = 45 ± 6.8% of average NR, sections from 4 mice; LE = 82 ± 15.7% of average NR, sections from 4 mice; ANOVA: , ). Asterisks: using Fisher’s PLSD posthoc analysis. (b) The measurement of GAD65 puncta per area decreased on average in the DR group, but did not show a significant reversal with a subsequent light exposure (GAD65 puncta number per : NR = 0.48 ± 0.08, sections from 4 mice; DR = 0.13 ± 0.04, sections from 4 mice; LE = 0.30 ± 0.06, sections from 4 mice; ANOVA: , ). Asterisks: using Fisher’s PLSD posthoc test.