Review Article

A Neural Correlate of Predicted and Actual Reward-Value Information in Monkey Pedunculopontine Tegmental and Dorsal Raphe Nucleus during Saccade Tasks

Figure 5

Activity of reward delivery neurons of the PPTN for the saccade task. (a, b) A rastergram and peritask event spike density function for the activity of a representative reward delivery neuron over 10 successive trials, aligned to reward delivery. (c) Responses of the reward delivery neurons to reward delivery of large and small rewards after the reversal of cue-reward contingency. (d) Population response of reward delivery neurons to free (black) and large (red) rewards. The responses represent the average firing rate normalized for the peak responses of the individual neurons ( 𝑛 = 9 ). The thick lines indicate the mean normalized activity, and the light-shaded areas are ± 1 SEM. (e–g) The activity of each reward-responsive neuron is presented as a row of pixels ( 𝑛 = 3 5 ). (e, f) Changes in the neuronal firing rate from baseline are compared in the large- (e) and small- (f) reward trials. (g) Changes in reward-dependent modulation. In these 3 panels (e–g), the neurons have been sorted in order of their ROC values for the reward effect during the postreward delivery period. FTon: fixation target onset; STon: saccade target onset; RWon: reward onset. (Modified from [42].)