Research Article

Selective Estrogen Receptor Modulators Regulate Dendritic Spine Plasticity in the Hippocampus of Male Rats

Figure 1

Examples of dendritic spines stained with the Golgi method. Left panel: photomicrograph of a CA1 pyramidal neuron impregnated with a modification of the Golgi method. Spines studied in the present work were counted in a segment 50 μm in length of a secondary dendrite (arrow) protruding from its parent apical dendrite. SO: stratum oriens; SP: stratum pyramidale; SR: stratum radiatum. Scale bar = 100 μm. In the right panels, photomicrographs show representative examples of thin (a), mushroom (b), stubby (c), wide (d), branched (e), and double (f) spines (arrows). Scale bar = 5 μm.