Review Article

Plasticity of the Dorsal “Spatial” Stream in Visually Deprived Individuals

Figure 1

(a) Schematic representation of stimuli used to test the coherence threshold, a typical measure of sensitivity to global motion. Among randomly moving dots, the coherence threshold is the minimal percentage of dots moving in the same direction needed for the participant to accurately perceive this predominant direction of motion. Upper-panel represents a trial with 100% coherence as all the dots are moving in the upward direction. Bottom-panel represents a trial with 37% coherence, as 6 out of 16 dots are moving upward whereas the remaining 10 dots are moving in random directions. (b) Global motion coherence thresholds for each subject in the bilateral congenital and bilateral developmental groups tested in the study of Ellemberg et al. [17]. Circles represent the data from the better eyes and triangles represent the data from the worse eyes. The dashed line represents the mean of 24 sighted control subjects. Adapted with permission from [13, 17].