Research Article

Functional Topography of Human Corpus Callosum: An fMRI Mapping Study

Table 1

Summary of subjects studies and stimulation sites.

Age Gender Old field score DTITongueFaceHandForearmArmShoulderTrunkThighLegFootSaltySweetNeutralBitter Visual Motor hand Auditory

I.P.22F18 (right)yesLLLLLL
E.P.24F19 (right)LLL
A.I.35M13 (right)RRRRR
F.F.23F13 (right)LLLLLL
Ca.C.30M19 (right)L*LL
E.G.24F10 (right)L*LLL
A.M.24M16 (right)LLLL
L.A.23M26 (right)LLL, RL, R
Al.M.28F10 (right)L, RL, RL, RL, RL&R
G.M.33F46 (left)yesL, RL, RL, RL&R
A.V.23M16 (right)L, RL, RL&R
Ch.C.27F10 (right)L, R
E.B.27F14 (right)L, RLL, RL
M.P.36M11 (right)L, R
M.R.25M13 (right)L, RL, R
M.S.28F41 (left)L, RL, RL, RL, R
Lu.A.38F10 (right)L, RL, RL, RL, R
Is.P30F19 (right)LL, RL, R
Y.H.27F11 (right)L&RL&RL&R
Ci.M26F12 (right)LL&R
C.G.37F17 (right)L
A.Q.28M10 (right)yesL, R
M.F.47F11 (right)L, R
F.S.28F50 (left)yesRL
D.C.22M10 (right)yesL, RR
A.S.43F10 (right)yesRLLL
M.A.50M10 (right)yesLLL, R
G.C.35M10 (right)yesC
I.C.28F22 (right)yesC
Igo.C.33M17 (right)yesC
M.B.46M10 (right)yesC
E.N.29M10 (right)yesC
B.N.54M10 (right)yesC
M.D.P.42F40 (left)yesLLC
E.A.36M13 (right)yesLLC
L.P.51F11 (right)yesC
E.L.26M18 (right)yesL, RL, RL&R

Back of the hand.
DTI: 17 subjects.
Tactile stimulation: 22 subjects.
Gustatory stimulation: 13 subjects.
Visual stimulation: 14 subjects.
Motor activation: 7 subjects.
Auditory stimulation: 1 subject.
L: left side stimulation.
R: right side stimulation.
L, R: stimulation of the left and right side alternatively during the same session.
L&R: stimulation of the left and right side simultaneously.