Review Article

In Vitro Studies of Neuronal Networks and Synaptic Plasticity in Invertebrates and in Mammals Using Multielectrode Arrays

Table 1

Summary of the plasticity protocols used in mammalian neuronal cultures.

ReferenceYearPlasticity protocol

Maeda et al. [139]199820 bursts at 0.2 Hz, each with 11 pulses at an intraburst frequency of 20 Hz delivered from 5 electrodes

Jimbo et al. [140]199811 bursts at 0.2 Hz, each with 11 pulses at an intraburst frequency of 20 Hz

Jimbo et al. [141]199910 bursts at 0.2 Hz, each with 11 pulses at an intraburst frequency of 20 Hz

Tateno and Jimbo [142]199910 bursts at 0.2 Hz, each with 11 pulses at an intraburst frequency of 20 Hz, also delivered from a pair of electrodes

Shahaf and Marom [143]2001Adaptive stimulation between a pair of electrodes at 1–3 s intervals repeated until the desired response is achieved (or for 10 min max)

Ruaro et al. [144]2005Bursts of 100 pulses delivered at the frequency of 250 Hz from 15 electrodes recreating an “L-shape”

Wagenaar et al. [25, 145]2006150 trains of 20 pulse pairs. Bursts suppressed by means of a high frequency (50 Hz) distributed stimulation (not during tetanus delivery)

Chiappalone et al. [20]2008Jimbo protocol with additional trains of pulses at 0.2 Hz falling in the middle of the tetanic burst

Le Feber et al. [146]2010Slow electrical stimulation (0.2–0.33 Hz)