Research Article

Chondroitin Sulfate Induces Depression of Synaptic Transmission and Modulation of Neuronal Plasticity in Rat Hippocampal Slices

Figure 4

Variation in the amplitude of synaptic evoked population spike responses following CS treatment. (a) The time-courses show average population spike (PS) amplitudes evoked orthodromically by stimulation of stratum radiatum that reveal that CS induces a drastic depression of their amplitude in a reversible manner. Bottom panels show representative PS taken at the times indicated by the letters A (control) and B (CS). (b) Time-courses of average PS amplitudes evoked antidromically by stimulation of stratum alveus and how CS was able to enhance their amplitude in a reversible manner. As indicated above, the original traces show representative population spike taken at the times indicated by the letters A (control) and B (CS). The graph plots data were normalized to the mean value of the 20 min control period and expressed as mean ± SEM/min ( slices).