Research Article

Muscarinic ACh Receptors Contribute to Aversive Olfactory Learning in Drosophila

Figure 3

Expression pattern of mAChR in the larval brain. Animals expressing GFP in the pattern of the mAChR-Gal4 line were mated with flies expressing GH146-QF, QUAS-Tomato. (a)–(d) are photomicrographs obtained at a magnification of 20x; ((e)–(h)) images at 40x; ((i)–(l)) at 60x. (a), (e), and (i) present DAPI fluorescence in blue; (b), (f), and (j) show red-tomato fluorescence under the expression pattern of the AL Projection Neurons; ((c), (g), and (k)) GFP expression under the control of the mAChR-Gal4; (d), (h), and (l) are overlays of the blue, red, and green images to the left. Cell bodies and processes expressing GFP under the control of mAChR expression pattern are observed in the ventral nerve cord and the MB region, particularly in the calyx region (indicated by white arrowheads) and the larval MB lobes (shown by white empty arrows). AL Projection Neurons are shown in (b), (f), (j), (h), and (l) by white arrows. Then high expression of mAChR is detected in the MB region. Microphotographs obtained from representative experiment. Scale bars indicate 50 microns.