Review Article

Odorant Receptors Signaling Instructs the Development and Plasticity of the Glomerular Map

Figure 3

OSNs in the OE and OR signaling pathways. (a) The OSN somas and cilia (dots), where the OR signaling pathways occur, transduce the information to the axons (lines) through action potentials that eventually reach the OB. (b) Diagram of the signaling pathway of a standard OR after activation. The interaction of odorants with their receptors on the OSN cilia and soma leads to Golf activation, which activates ACIII, thus causing increased cAMP levels. Next, cAMP activates CNG channels that allow the entry of sodium and calcium. Finally, this latter ion activates a chloride channel that contributes to depolarization enough to reach the threshold for action potentials. Modified from [38].