Clinical Study

Ipsilesional High Frequency Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation Add-On Therapy Improved Diffusion Parameters of Stroke Patients with Motor Dysfunction: A Preliminary DTI Study

Table 2

Brain regions with significant clusters and peak voxel coordinates showing FA difference between pre- and post-rTMS treatment.

Brain regionMNI coordinates (, , ) valueVoxel number

Post > pre
 Supp_motor_area_R7, −23, 604.8977
 Frontal_mid_R36, 10, 513.1848
 Precentral_L−38, −2, 484.6755
 Precentral_R27, −20, 544.2273
 Thalamus_L−23, −23, 67.5639
 Temporal_inf_L−59, −20, −306.8931

Post < pre
 Precuneus_R5, −68, 53−4.7432
 Parietal_sup_R27, −49, 51−5.5854
 Angular_L−44, −61, 48−2.8428

MNI: Montreal Neurological Institute; L: left; R: right.